Can't Live Without It

Today Coca-Cola Co. breaks a new TV, print, and outdoor campaign for Dasani water. The new campaign introduces a new tagline, "Can't live without it."

Adweek's sources say that Dasani's positioning as a healthful refreshment remains unchanged in the new campaign. But the NYTimes article claims that the estimated budget of $20 million is being used to create a sexier image, and bring soft-drink marketing tactics into an increasingly competitive fray.

The New York Times reports that "in one Dasani commercial, a man and woman frolic in an elevator as a security camera captures the action, but they turn out to be husband and wife. In another spot, a woman spends a night out on the town with an extremely attractive man, then heads home where she gets undressed and jumps into bed — with her teddy bear."

The goal is to borrow the trappings of the emotionally evocative lifestyle advertising used typically in soft-drink campaigns, rather than the more rational tack traditionally taken to sell bottled water, which focuses on product benefits like purity and refreshment.

"People may not immediately say, `That's water advertising,' because there are no spas, babbling brooks or yoga," said Kellam Mattie, senior brand manager for Dasani at the Coca-Cola North American division in Atlanta. "But they'll come to say, `This is what water advertising can be.' "

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anonymous's picture

I guess I am just unhip or old fashioned, but I find the new Dasani ads to be disturbing, especially the one that ends with the girl and the teddy bear. It's not the story lines that I find objectionable. I am troubled by the menacing-sounding male voice that constantly intones, "It's not done till *I* say it's over". I guess this is some popular rap song that I have never heard. (Give me Aretha Franklin!) I find the message threatening, frightening. I picture some thug with an AK 47 wanting me to buy this water or he will blow my brains out. I also don't see ANY connection to water. From now on, I will make it a point NOT to drink Dasani.

Lynn Wilson

libbillau's picture

They've been running this spot again during the NCAA tournament (nightclubbing girl, teddy bear)... But they changed the threatening rap music, now it's a Curtis-Mayfieldish disco-soul tune instead. Does anyone know the name?

Dabitch's picture

Hmmm - can't even guess as I haven't seen it with the new music yet, just wanted to say that the old music with the creepy "It aint over...til I say it's over" songlyric is here for super adgrunts.
Anyone else seen, or rather heard, the new soundtrack one?