Canal - Le Phacochère / The warthog - (2015) :60 (France)

Mans best friend is not who you think. BETC Paris tell a story for Canal, one about a family pet that is not like other pets. He'll drag you down the street, terrorize the vet, tear up the entire living room, embarrass you when you have guests over for dinner, and generally cause havoc - not to mention raids the fridge. Oh dear family, how did you end up there? The warthog doglike pet is so entertaining that I ignored the rather obvious twist heading our way. "One year earlier...." This year, give a gift you won't regret. Give Canal to the family.

Ad agency: BETC paris
Client : Canal+

Client Management : Julien Verley Guillaume Boutin Audrey Brugère Anne Laine Jordane De Villaret Elise Lacroix Coline André

Agency : BETC Paris

Agency Management : Bertille Toledano Guillaume Espinet Christophe Neyret Elsa Magadoux Mathieu Laugier Mathilde Lancon Jérémy Taffin

Executive Creative Director : Stéphane Xiberras

Creative Director : Olivier Apers ;

Art Director : Marie-Eve Schoettl

Copywriter : David Soussan

Agency Producer : Isabelle Menard

Production Company : Control Films

Post Production : Mikros

Sound Production : Schmooze

Director : Joachim Back

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