Canal + - The Bear - (2011) :90 (France)

Everyone who saw the end coming when they spotted the bears flat tummy say "aye"! Aye! Matters not, it's still funny as hell, and who doesn't love a bear director that says "explosions" with such glee? Yes please, more explosions.

"The more you watch Canal+, the more you love cinema"

Client: CANAL +
Agency: BETC Paris
Director: Matthijs van Heijningen
Production Company: 75
Client Management: Beatrice Roux, Maxime Saada
Agency Management: Alexandre George, Guillaume Espinet, Sebastien
Executive Creative Director: Stéphane Xiberras
Art Director: Eric Astorgue
Assistant Art Director: Julien Schmitt
Copywriter: Jean-Christophe Royer
Strategic Planner: Clarisse Lacarrau
Director of Photography: Joost Van Gelder
Music: Eric Cervera
Sound Design/Arrangement: Gum/Eric Cervera (Near Deaf Experience)
Agency Producer: Isabelle Menard/David Green
Editor: Jono Griffiths
Production Company: Soixante Quinze
Post Production: Mikros

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