Blinkbox - "Star Trek Teleportation Stuns Shoppers" - (2013)

Hullo. I'm beginning to sense a campaign here with Blinkbox's stunts. It doesn't matter if the witnesses to the stunts don't know the sender, because the earned media will tell all the web-witnesses it's for Blinkbox (hopefully). First there was the Dorset dragon, now there's the Star Trek Teleportation in a mall.

It's really quite simple, in a mall somewhere they set up this demonstration where volunteers would stand in the machine, using peppers ghost effect to make it look cool when they 'teleport'. Somewhere nearby an identically dressed twin of the "volunteer" would then appear nearby, making the entire mall audience gasp in wonder. And maybe, just maybe, they'll watch Star Trek on Blinkbox. At least they know where they can watch it now, if they fancy it.


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