BellSouth - Makeover (2005) :60 (USA)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Hey claymore can you upload the bellsouth commercial from 2005-2006 where the song the instrumental version of stuck in the middle with you on it where it shows two women with jeans and flip flops taking about the bundle of high speed Internet and also mentioning about TiVo in this commercial as well can you upload this commercial please dude

Greg Ayala's picture

Hey claymore can you upload the bellsouth commercial from 2005-2006 where the song the instrumental version of stuck in the middle with you on it where it shows two women with jeans and flip flops taking about the bundle of high speed Internet and also mentioning about TiVo in this commercial as well can you upload this commercial please dude

Greg Ayala's picture

Hey claymore can you upload the bellsouth commercial from 2005-2006 where the song the instrumental version of stuck in the middle with you on it where it shows two women with jeans and flip flops taking about the bundle of high speed Internet and also mentioning about TiVo in this commercial as well can you upload this commercial please dude

Greg Ayala's picture

Hey claymore can you upload the bellsouth commercial from 2005-2006 where the song the instrumental version of stuck in the middle with you on it where it shows two women with jeans and flip flops taking about the bundle of high speed Internet and also mentioning about TiVo in this commercial as well can you upload this commercial please dude