Belgian telecom operator brings light in these dark days

2020 has been a dark year. And in Belgium - just like in most of Europe - the end of the year is about to be different too. Due to the lockdown, people are not allowed to invite their family and friends for Christmas. They can invite a maximum of three people, but only outside... Telecom provider Proximus shows us we can light up the end of the year of our loved ones, by lighting up their screens.

Every screen that lights up because of a text message, a video call, a lovely picture… also lights up the face, and spirit, of the one who receives it. This simple but smart insight is the basis of the new commercial of Belgian telecom provider Proximus. Although it starts moody and melancholic, we see how screens light up in different situations. A grandfather who wants to play chess with his granddaughter (noticed The Queen’s Gambit reference?), a  teenager who is invited to join a friend’s online game, or just simple text messages. We see how the screens light up, and the faces of the receivers too. 

A beautiful and heartwarming film that ends with a projection of a digital firework on an apartment building, another way Proximus lights up the end of the year. Because yes, fireworks are forbidden as well, this year. Which is why Proximus created a platform where everyone can send personalized, virtual fireworks to family and friends. With this action, Proximus also supports Digital For Youth, an organisation who wants to help everyone online.

To make people light up as many screens as possible, Proximus offers unlimited internet at home to all its clients. And on the 31st of december, there might still be a little surprise on the way...

Client : Proximus

Contacts : Aurélie Denayer, Sophie De Nys, Manoëlle Ballaux, Julie Vanbelle, Perrine De Keyzer, Steven De Deyne

Ecosystem : SILK


CD : Peter Ampe

Creation : Johan Van Oeckel

Creation : Olaf Meuleman

Copy : Jean Werner, Gavin Watt

Client Service Director : Catherine De Block

Account Director : Audrey Semal

Account Manager : Meriem Oucharif

Head of Strategy : Jonathan Detavernier

Digital Strategy : Tom Willemkens

RTV Producer : Marie Libouton

Film Production Company :

Director : Salsa

Producer : Maarten De Sutter

DOP : Grimm Vandekerckhove

Editor : Robin De Praetere

Post-Production : Czar

Post-Production Sound : Eli Sundermann for FamousGrey Productions

Music : I Remember - Molly Drake

PR : Famous Relations

Digital Agency : Prophets

Digital Producer : Jeremy Demoor

Media Agency : Ellyn O’Byrne

Head of Media : Ellyn O’Byrne

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