Bayer's Bepanthen first aid cream "burning babies" ads are fake fake fake. Happy now JWT?

Last weeks "duh, obviously fake" ads for Bayer's Bepanthen first aid cream have been officially named fakes by JWT who've even released an official statement about them - as if ads depicting parents roasting their babies over fire, with blowtorches or burning a la marshmallows on a stick would ever have been approved - c'mon!

The global account director from Bayer's ad agency, JWT, says: "We don't know yet who posted them and why but one thing we know for sure is that they were never presented or approved by anyone in Bayer or JWT worldwide... at the very moment its nothing more but artwork with branding. Bayer group received several phone calls today both in US and Europe in regards to those publications and we need to make sure that this will not spread even more."

Ads via copyranter who spotted them on Adsoftheworld. Seems we'll have to sort a new type of ads under "banned ads" now, fake ads created by teams gagging for fame. The credits used to be for JWT Cairo.

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The adsoftheworld (google cahced) pages listed the credits as;

"Heals their burn and your guilt, fast."
Advertising Agency: JWT Cairo, Egypt
Creative Director / Copywriter: Hesham Ellabban
Art Director / Illustrator: Asmaa Yehia

Google Hesham Ellabban and you'll find he's credited as Creative director for JWT Cairo often. Asmaa Yehia on the other hand can only be found credited on this campaign. I think we know whodunnit.