Bank Audi brings 'sunshine' to Lebanon with advertising

Bank Audi in Lebanon decided to run an ad campaign in the middle of a war - when most businesses came to a standstill. On July 18 the head of Bank Audi's communication department called Leo burnett and told them that they had 24 hours to do campaign. "We knew that we couldn't just sit there and watch people get depressed and lose hope in themselves and in their country," said Nadine Abi Saab, head of communication at Bank Audi. The request came as quite a shock to Leo Burnett, "I was stunned. I made them repeat their request twice to make sure I understood well," said Valerie Bassil, account director to the Naharnet newsdesk. Now it looks as if Bank Audi's idea might become a war trend.

...other Lebanese companies have followed suit.
"The one who builds once, can do it again," read the posters commissioned by al-Mawared bank, which list Israel's main offensives in Lebanon.
On Lebanon's streets, trucks belonging to Sannine, one of the main mineral water companies, are covered with the first words of the Lebanese anthem : "We are all for the homeland," set against an idyllic landscape.

"No matter how many clouds accumulate, the sun will shine on Lebanon" says the tagline of Bank Audi's TV commercial.
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Dabitch's picture

Just a little comment-linkage to tie this together with the update Johnny Walker ads aim to improve morale in Lebanon and the Adweek post aug 10 Beirut Shop's 'Campaign for Hope' . tata!