AWNY Good, Bad & Ugly Awards 2004 reports on the winners of AWNY's Good, Bad & Ugly Awards held April 1st in NYC.

Sirius Satellite Radio won the TV Grand Ugly award for their in-house "Car Wash" ad, featuring Pam Anderson.

The Grand Ugly for print went to TBWA/Paris' "Rebirth" ad for Playstation 2, which won Cannes Grand Prix in 2003.

Mastercard's "Pickle Jar" ad, by McCann Erikson NY, won the TV Grand Good.

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The adage elert also reported this:

In addition to the raunchy
comedy stylings of the event's host, Susie Essman from Curb Your Enthusiasm, the GBU audience was treated to a seven-minute film featuring advertising's biggest admen dressed in very rough drag. The film was created by TBWA/Chiat/Day and directed by Believe Media's Nanette Burstein (The Kid Stays in the Picture) as a commentary on the dearth of women in the industry's top creative ranks. In it, creative heavyweights like Lee Clow, Steve Hayden, Gerry Graf, Ty Montague, Kevin Roddy, Jeff Kling and Mark Fenske -- their gender poorly concealed by camp wigs and heavy eye shadow -- talk about the hardships of being female creative directors.

That sounds like a rather funny film... Hehe!

AnonymousCoward's picture

The film (of CD's in drag) is a riot! Lee Clow in platinum wig and pigtails a scream!
