AWARD gives handy tips on how to get your name in the book.

The "poison the art director copywriter" idea has been the go-to trick of many. This set from AWARD directs people to where you can actually get your name on stuff.

This year's AWARD Call for Entries campaign is titled 'Get Your Name On It', acknowledging that while everyone in the industry strives hard throughout the year on their own work, it certainly doesn't hurt to have an extra piece or two to enter come award time.
With this in mind, three press ads shot by Andreas Bommert offer suggestions for how people can get their name on more great work. Whilst these may be useful to some, the real benefit is that everyone can get their name on the Call For Entries campaign itself.
The press ads direct people to where they can simply add any creative input to the press ads and in return receive a creative credit on the work. All changes will be made and the final campaign will be entered into AWARD 2011 along with the full credit list of all those who contributed. So whichever part of the advertising community you belong to, why not have a crack... it might just pay off.

Client : AWARD
Ad Agency : Saatchi & Saatchi
Post Production Producer : Grant Navin
Executive Creative Director : Guy Rooke
Copywriter : Iggy Rodriguez
Art Director : justin carew
Producer : Clare Ralston
Producer : iain clarke
Producer : Skye Houghton
Digital creative : Lizi Hamer
Digital creative : Jake Bruce
Digital creative : George Huber
Digital creative : Thom Vincent
Digital Project Manager : Susan David
Retoucher : Electric Art
Retoucher : Limehouse
Retoucher : Dan Meyers
Photographer : Andreas Bommert
Designer : Alex Boubli
Designer : Tod Duke-Yonge
Account manager : Elizabeth Bourke
Account manager : Michael Demosthenous

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