Ask your doctor if AVENGISIL is right for you

Every so often an ad parody that mimics the ad category perfectly comes along to make us laugh.

Are you suffering from Avengers: Endgame boredom, as your friends chatter on and on and on about everything that happens in Avengers: Endgame? Are you just not that into it, and may only watch it when it comes out on streaming? Avangisil can help. Ask your doctor if Avangisil is right for you.

Side effects include but is not limited to, weight gain, weight loss, headaches, sleep disruption, outdoor adventures and genuine social interactions with strangers. Contact your doctor immediately if you have non-Superhero thoughts or changes in patterns of behaviour. Do not take Avangisil if you are pregnant, planning to be, or have children because they will make you watch Avengers: Endgame on a loop.

Creative: Cara Libro

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