Anything & Whatever soft drinks - Vending machines

JWT Sydney had the fun job to design the vending machines for “Anything” & “Whatever” soft drinks. The cans of these drinks may looks the same but on the inside there's six different flavours - so you never know what you are going to get. The client wanted JWT Sydney to do something that would bring this point home - the result, funny vending machines.

Jeffrey Oley (Typographer)
Xuan Ong (Groovy Studio (Photographer)
Andy DiLallo (Executive Creative Director)
Jay Benjamin (Executive Creative Director)
Sheungyan Lo (Executive Creative Director)
Pinit Chantaprateep (Executive Creative Director)
Guy Futcher (Group CD / Art Director)
Brendan Donelley (Art Director)
Retoucher -Sally Liu (Procolor, Singapore).
Producer - Sidney Stella Lim/Jasmine Lim (Groovy Studio, Singapore).
Account supervisor - Betty Tsai

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