Anticipate Change and Outthink Competitors With Cognizant’s Intuition Engineered

In a world evolving faster by the second, staying ahead of the game comes with high importance. In Cognizant’s newest spot, edited by Armadillo Edit’s Charlie Cusumano, Executive Produced by TwoPointO’s Wendy Rosen, with VFX by Ataboy Studios – Intuition Engineered is presented as a leading factor in cultivating a successful business.

In the spot, intuition no longer acts as just a “hunch” in the business world, but as a lightning-fast, action-driving operating system for Cognizant clients. The new, high-tech business model gives users the power to anticipate expectations and act instantaneously.

According to Cusumano & Rosen, agency VMLY&R contacted them about editing a 2–3-minute video for Cognizant to live on the web. 

“The video featured stock footage, so the challenge was to create a unique and ownable edit,” said Rosen. “Producer Sam Cernichari, along with creatives Will Gardner, Pietr Melief and Josh Parschauer, helped identify the most compelling shots,” explains Editor Charlie Cusumano. “We then brought Ataboy in to transform the stock images.  The client loved the result and decided to run a 30-second tv spot. We cut down the longer video to fit the shorter script, and there you go. It was great to do more image work, especially when I’m known as more of a Comedy/Dialogue Editor.”

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