Airport! And again!

Airport inspiration - European creatives seem to travel a lot.

Two sets of posters executing the same idea.

The Drum Rythm Festival in Amsterdam is usually like any other, big fat bad posters and lots of cool bands who's names compete for space on them. Not the year 2000 though, as some creatives churned out a campaign! The Photographer is Tim Gutt, but I'm afraid I don't know the creatives/teams names. The concept was quite simple, even stars need a ride.

This ad was found at Ex '00's site. It's one of them advertising competitions. The rules are simple; make an ad for one of your agencies existing clients, it can not have been published before in any way shape or form, and the "theme" for this year was "extravagance".

TBWA Stockholm responded to the challenge by creating this ad for MTV networks.

Methinks it's not that likely that the TBWA Stockholm creatives saw the earlier campaign for the Drum Rythm festival, unless of course they were down in Amsterdam
to see the festival itself. It's more likely that these ideas are a complete coincidence, and proof that input affects the output. How many times haven't creatives traveled the world for them boring business meetings? ;)

though if I may say so, the photography and art direction of the top ad is much better. Then again, they are finished pieces while Ex'00 is just a competition.

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How do you find these ads? Its really sad to see so many identical ideas.