"Maybe you should check out the beating woman page because I think it's a step in the right direction for you," in the above comment from @Idon'tgiveafuc is worse than racism and sexism. It's a definite threat. Good thing we have i.p. address logs.
The notion that somehow freeloading is keeping culture alive is as ridiculous as my suggesting I am keeping the coffee industry alive by going into Starbucks and stealing their coffee.
Stop with the emotional non-arguments, please. Put on your simple math hat. If I'm a band, and millions of people download my music for free, it does NOT in any way shape or form contribute to my well being or income. freeloading does not in any way create a larger legion of people willing to buy the album once they've heard it. This is a Walt Disney version of the real world.
As for your going against human nature line-- how do you explain the years priot to the mid 90's when people were actively paying for culture? How do you ignore that? Seriously, do you have no frame of historical reference beyond ten or fifteen years ago?
Also please show me these studies that are not sponsored by the music industry purporting to suggest file sharing helps the music industry. I want to see who is funding studies. because is cuts both ways.
And as for the studies purporting file sharing hurts the industry: Is Musicmetric for instance, and their studies which purports file sharing costs the music industry £500 million funded by someone in the music industry? Please point to me where in the article it says so. Is google purposefully in collusion with industry sponsored bigwigs to change its algorithm? I somehow doubt it. Is Jonathan Taplin, head of the Annenberg Innovation Lab at USC some Partisan hack when he has proof positive that torrent sites are stealing money from artists?
I know there is a disconnect between perception and reality, when emotions rule over rational thinking. Between the moral compass of the hive mind and the accepted ethics of the many. But the idea that filesharing sites are generating money to anyone but the owners of such file sharing sites and advertising platforms like google's Adsense, is complete and utter horseshit. My friends in bands, indie bands you might have heard of, cannot pay for health care because of the dip in their sales.
Give me a break.
@Gene Jones, the government moves slowly, we get that. But every time they try to act quickly, The People get just as pissed. Can anyone say Affordable Healthcare Act?
@Darren F in that we were influenced by Europe's laws in terms of affixing a duration here, I totally get that. In the interest of not boring the Advertising audience, I was truncating. We're copyright supporters here, but not so versed in the minutiae as to be experts.
This is not a perfect analogy but in the States, people are starting to get upset at the aptly named death tax: namely, above a certain amount, and your inheritance is taxed. A last giant F.U, if you would. The argument among non-law makers is, we worked hard for that cash and already paid taxes on it, why is the government deciding how much to take from it post-humously so to speak?
I understand the argument against such a tax when people feel like the government had no hand in earning the inheritance. It's even weirder when a governing body determines ownership or non-ownership of culture they had no hand in creating.
Bottom line: The system certainly needs to be ironed out. The hope is that the majority will agree upon this belief and the government will do something sooner rather than later. Maybe if we point out how much in taxes they're losing it'll light a fire under their asses.
"...Layar app unlocks music playlists and behind the scenes videos from the models photo shoots as well."
The average porn lovin' person wants to unlock music, behind the scenes or making-ofs. They want to unlock the box that is normally locked by chastity belts and that's it. P.S. "Unlocking more content," is a pipe dream created by someone trying to justify his Social Media Ninja Guru title. People do not care about the dvd extras of a print ad. Never will.
Yes, I am aware of this, and I am aware that pound symbols existed on phones before, as well. People used to play tic tac toe in them. The People's Organic Usage and semantics aside, no one associated the hashtag with any other social media site except Twitter first. It became part of twitter's lexicon. Therefore, it is associated with twitter. You know where they weren't using the hashtag organically? On Facebook.
I wonder, what do ladies think of, say, the French, Spanish, Portuguese languages which attach feminine and masculine aspects to inanimate objects. In French, un stylo for "a pen," is masculine, while une table for "a table," is feminine. How dare all these languages apply their arbitrary gender roles to such objects??!
Out of all the shit you could be complaining about, out of everything wrong with the world, this is what they complain about.
Sorry, Anonymous Coward from Jersey, but Dabitch said it right. I am not slagging off the kid. I am not denigrating the effort to help restore Hurricane Sandy and also help the Chocolate Bar's business in the process.
I care about the ad. The idea. the execution. There's no strong idea here, period. And since this is a site devoted to advertising we're judging the ad's merit based on our profession and not the intention. Again, it's nice the chocolate peeps want to do something to help hurricane ravaged New Jersey, but it's still not a great ad.
And yes, I do call myself a copywriter. And I'm sure you understand the above piece is an article, and not an example of copy writing, since this term refers to copy written for advertisements.
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