ACLU proudly waves flag

Despite the recent warnings not to create "flag waving ads" (april 02 Guardian) and the new trend for multinationals to emphasise their local roots - ACLU did it differently and went all out flag-waving in their latest campaign shot by Peter Gerke.

We wouldn't expect the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to do it any other way. The three ads, all shot by Swedish photographer Peter Gehrke, tap into the current surge of flag-waving patriotism, but with a slightly ironic twist.

The copy argues that it is all good to display the stars and stripes - but waving the flag alone doesn't ensure that civil rights are protected. Action is needed!


The idea is that Freedom can't protect itself, so the American Civil Liberties Union is there to take up the fight.

The irony of having a Swedish photographer shoot a branding campaign about american patriotism isn't lost on anyone. ;-)

The agency Benenson Janson says that interest from photographers that want to do work on the campaign is strong - and promises a second burst of ACLU branding efforts later this year.

If you want to study these ads closer, pick up an issue of one of these fine magazines that it currently runs in: Spin, Congressional Quarterly, The Nation, Roll Call, The Advocate, Out, GQ, Mother Jones, Vanity Fair and The Atlantic Monthly.


ACLU's own website is at Peter Gehrke is repped by LundLund

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