Zesty Guy Gets Around - suggestive spokesperson for both Sauza Tequila and Kraft

So it seems the same actor who plays The Zesty Guy in Kraft Salad dressing's new campaign is also making it with Sauza tequila in the exact same way. Yup that's right. According to Lewis Lazare and Adweek , the hunk was teaching us to tequila before teaching us to set fire to our Kraft salad dressing. He has some experience with fire, that schtick that is the Zesty guy, as Thomas Beaudoin dressed up as a fireman in the first Sauza ad. Now Anderson Davis appears in both the Tequila and the Salad dressing ads, doing the sexy thing. Mother of all badlanders, it's not only the same schtick, it's now the same spokesperson too! Tim Nudd asked Sauza tequila some questions, and to them it's an obvious theft as they play their tiny violins in his quote:

Well, they say imitation is the best form of flattery. And apparently one company believes nothing goes better with Sauza margaritas than a zesty salad. I know you're familiar with the videos that Kraft just launched. … The success of our 'Make It' campaign has opened the door for other companies to do the same—even with the same moves and the same actor who plays our lifeguard. You be the judge…"

It is truly bizarre that the very same actor was cast for the Zesty ad, a campaign so similar one wonders if the creative teams were spying on each other. Lets not forget that we've had The Man Your Man Could Smell Like and the smoldering Brawny dude pave the way, the schtick itself isn't exactly new. It's the casting that's quite the coincidence here.

A Beam spokeswoman this morning maintained that no one at Beam or Havas was informed that Davis was also doing the Kraft campaign in which he plays a similar sex symbol selling salad dressing with ad copy that includes the same kind of overtly sexual innuendo that made the original Sauza video such fun to watch.

I sense some agent getting fired.

Sauza Tequila - Make It With A Lifeguard - (2013) :2:00

Kraft Zesty Italian - The Zesty Guy Says Hey (with bedroom voice)

Sauza Tequila - Make it with a Fireman


Verdict: sex sells but only sex itself +++ CASTING IS IMPORTANT!

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Cocolette's picture

Honestly I find this hilarious.

Sport's picture

It IS hilarious.

Dabitch's picture

It's a copy-cast! *PUN!*