Yahoo and Adobe open an new frontier in online advertising, ads in PDF's!

There's advertising everywhere, and if it isn't we'll soon make sure to get some ads where there are none. Someone must have looked at all those PDF's lying around on the web and sent around in emails, and noticed that they were ad-free. Well, no more - if you've ever wanted to put dynamically generated ads on PDF files posted on the Web or distributed via e-mail this is you lucky day as Yahoo and Adobe have teamed up to offer just that. "But I've seen ads in PDF's" you protest, ah yes, but those were static ads, these are dynamic. Difference.
Cnn Money reckons content producers are gonna be rich. You know, like how all those blogs with adsense are totally raking it in, rich.

For publishers, it's another way to make money on content.
Content now available as paid downloads or on a subscription basis could be opened up to a mass online audience using the Adobe-Yahoo ad service. Some publishers haven't been taking advantage of ad opportunities for their content. That's the case with many hobbyist and enthusiast newsletters.

Sure, if you say so. Here's what I find just a little creepy:

Publishers pay nothing to participate. They'll first upload their Adobe PDF content to Adobe, so the content can be ad-enabled. The content then is distributed however the publishers distribute the content, be it on Web sites, via e-mail or whatever.

It's all a clever ruse from Adobe so that they get to read subscription content first, admit it. ;)
Via Tech crunch

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Dabitch's picture

I'm reading about this everywhere today - what do you folks think about it? Not that I'm surprised.