Price and Dwight Yorke sired a little tyke named Harvey, who was unfortunately born with a disorder called septo-optic dysplasia. HEAT magazine has the bad taste of giving away stickers with Harvey's face and a supposed quote from Jordan on it saying "Harvey want's to eat me". 30 complaints so far from members of the public and serious indication that Jordan will file a complaint as well reported in the Guardian. Heat has already apologized but I still smell the banhammer coming.
Meanwhile, that ill-considered Renault ad John Kelly photographed and wrote to Renault to complain about, has even though John didn't receive a reply been pulled. "Any misunderstanding of the N-word is totally unintentional. However, this specific print advertisement will be removed with immediate effect, so as not to cause any offence." said a spokesman for Renault UK. Unintentional, yah, rrrright.
Bonus: Stereo Hell has a great shot of a fake American Apparel poster in NYC which depicts an illustrated brazilian wax girl touching herself with the line "safe to say, she loves her socks". Good sendup, whomever made that.