World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth “It Matters” Campaign

The WoW campaign begins with the World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth Cinematic Trailer which is four an a half minutes long. Tensions between the Alliance and Horde have erupted, and a new age of war has begun. The real question is, are you for the alliance or the horde?

The question wasn't a joke. This is serious. As you can see here in the cute ad "rainy day" when a man offers a woman to share his umbrella. All seems to be going well, until the woman spots a symbol on the umbrella. And so the conflict between the Horde and Alliance keeps going. It's dead serious.

In "elevator" the same sort of scenario plays out, except now it's between the office grunt and the bike messenger.

In "bus" there's a twist. Choosing to sit next to a scary looking man who is literally inking himself while on the bus, instead of next to that timid looking polite young lady seems to be a bad idea. That is, until you see what team they are both on.

In "Kids choice" dad will go to great lengths to get kiddo on his team. It matters, see.

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