World of silence

Underwater world - Ariston Aqualtis

Seaworld - Whirlpool / MATTHIAS HOENE - UNDERWATER - WHIRLPOOL produced by Partizan

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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adlib's picture

Thanks for this Badland pairing. The super bowl news was getting a bit much, I needed a break.

Dabitch's picture

Sorry for having to move the films inside Hlebarov, but youtube is being a slow-loading bitch for us up here and it makes the front page take ages to load

To add to this collection, see also Whirlpool Duet - Penguins (2006) :30 (USA)

and This post over at TextURL where you find that Ecover did a similar poster series. I'm sure there's more.

malkie66's picture

Look like a great spot. Pity the compression is so bloody awful. Must look brilliant on HD.

adlib's picture

Which one is a great spot, all of them? I prefer the Ariston. PS you misspelled "youtube sucks".