Why do They Drink it?

The setting is a party at an apartment. Some guy is trying to sweet talk these two girls. "Come on, haven't we met?" to which one of them replies "No, I never forget a face." The guy sighs and takes a swig of his drink. Suddenly the girls scream, "Ew! Bitter beer face!"

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Then we hear more screams as two more guys fall victim to the bitter beer face. Even the girls get it. This marks the first time a girl has gotten a bitter beer face. It isn't a pretty sight either. I think they should really just stick to guys getting bitter beer faced.

Anyway, these two seemingly 'cool' guys walk in. One spots one of the beer faced guys and says "Yo Ted. Yikes!" Then they pull out the Keystone light and save the day. Well, everything's back to normal right? Well not quite. We see the guy who was swooning the girls saying "You get the one on the left, I get the one on the right." Why's that? Because the girl on the left seems not to have taken her dosage of Keystone Light. Her face is still bitter beer faced .
Over all, I have seen better Keystone Light commercials. I didn't like the woman getting a bitter beer face. The real question though is, why did they drink it in the first place? Everyone else drank before they did and go bitter beer faced. You'd think they'd have realized that. Oh well. If you want a better Keystone Light ad, check out that one called "Freakshow". Much funnier.

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