Is a Pepsi Worth This?

The setting is a sunny day at the beach. We hear a very loud noise which, as the camera pans, we discover to be a boy gulping down his Pepsi. He seems to be thoroughly enjoying it......until he reaches the last few drops.

super adgrunts click to watch pepsi 1995

Even though I don't prefer a Pepsi, this ad is one of my favorites. As the boy starts to suck and suck the drops from the bottle, many loud sounds start issuing from the straw. Even some people on the beach can hear it over the waves. Suddenly the boy's sailor hat scrunches up, his ears snap to the sides of his head, and his head finally shrinks into the bottle! Even though his body is contorting most strangely, we can still hear the loud sucking noises. We see the boy's sister as she shouts "Ew!" at the site of him. This is explaned when we see his head squeezing through the bottle and then a shot of his legs and feet disappearing into it too. The Pepsi bottle, though not supported by hands (Since his are in the bottle) is still floating in midair. Then it falls, bounces off the innertube the boy was wearing and lands in the sand. We watch the boy's sister run to the bottle as the boy wiggles his toes inside and issues a contented "Ahhh!". The sister can only pick up the bottle, start trying to pry her brother out and yell "Mom he's done it again!"
Everytime I see this ad, I always wonder who that kid was who got sucked in the bottle. I also wonder what happened to the straw. It disappeared when his legs went in. Oh well, not every commercial is perfect. I still dislike Pepsi, but I'll always love this ad.

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AnonymousCoward's picture

I love this ad. I remember seeing it on the super bowl in 1995. i think its funny.