When you need a powernap, bring out the Ostrich pillow.

Ever have one of those days at the office where no matter how much your partner tries to be quiet, and no matter where you try and hide in the open-plan office, you just can't get a moment of peace to think? Enter the Ostrich Pillow, a bizarre-looking thing that can be used to hide in.

OSTRICH offers a micro environment in which to take a warm and comfortable power nap at ease. It is neither a pillow nor a cushion, nor a bed, nor a garment, but a bit of each at the same time. Its soothing cave-like interior shelters and isolates our head and hands (mind, senses and body) for a few minutes, without needing to leave our desk.

Next question is, can we make some that will suffocate the wearer? Please?

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