Westpac - Tinfoil Hat Man / Satellite dish - (2015) :15 (New Zealand)

Tinfoil hat man may have overspent on that giant satellite dish, but at least he did it with a Westpac credit card, where you get 0% pa on a balance transfer. See also Tinfoil Hat Man day.

DDB Group New Zealand
Chief Creative Officer: Damon Stapleton
Executive Creative Director: Shane Bradnick
Senior Copywriter: Natalie Knight
Senior Art Director: Corinne Goode
Managing Partner: Elizabeth Beatty
Account Director: Mark Wilson
Senior Account Manager: Deepika Goundar
Account Executive: Kate Coppersmith
Planning Director: Rupert Price
Executive Producer: Judy Thompson
Agency TV Producer: Samantha Royal
Production Company: Scoundrel
Director: Tim Bullock
Executive Producer: Adrian Shapiro

DOP: John Toon
Production Designer: Neville Stevenson
Offline Editor: Adam Wills
Online: Blockhead
Sound Design: The Coopers
Music: ‘Somebody’s watching me’ by Rockwell
Licensing: Jonathan Hughes, Franklin Rd

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