Weetabix - Happy Breakfast - (2010) :30 (UK)

Here's the latest spot by Ben Dawkins for Weetabix through WCRS which launched Saturday during the X Factor (that'll teach you for TiVo-ing through the commercial break...). It's got talking animals galore and a veeeeeery tasty looking bowl of chocolatey goodness to boot.

Agency: WCRS, London
Creative Director: Yan Elliot
Creatives: Christen Brestup, Bertie Scrase
Agency Producer: Lesley Williams

Production Company: Stink, London
Executive Producer: Blake Powell

Producer: Sam Levene

Director: Ben Dawkins
DoP: Alex Melman
Art Director: Olly Williams
Post Production: Glassworks
Editor: Paul Hardcastle @ Trim

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The "oh! I'm alright" totally saves it. Cute.