VW / Volkswagen Jetta - Safe Happens - Like (2006) :30 (USA)

Agency: Crispin Porter+Bogusky
Director: Phil Morrison, Epoch Films
Editor: Gavin Cutler, Mackenzie Cutler

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AnonymousCoward's picture

This this shocked the hell out of me when I first saw it on TV.

Big kudos for VW for showing what a smashed up Jetta looks like outside of a test center. I was pretty amazed they even used a smashed up car for the traditional "beauty shot" at the end of the spot.

I think the play on words is getting lost. After the wreck, the guy goes, "Holy..." and of course the next word would be "shit." But then the beauty shot with the slogan, "Safe Happens" (instead of "shit happens"). Safe Happens/Shit Happens -- kinda weird. Kinda like the old "Nissan Saves" slogan was taken from "Jesus Saves" -- the slogan is completely seperated from its source.

AnonymousCoward's picture

Ooops -- I meant "Datsun Saves" ... not Nissan!

Dabitch's picture

Yes its got a great shock effect thing going on as the guys have such a mundane conversation going on, still you pay attention to see where it leads to, and suddenly *bam*! Great performance, well directed.