VW Rabbit hops back into the scene

Last night VW Rabbit ad "Multiply" by Crispin Porter + Bogusky broke. The ad was directed by Nicolai Fuglsig of MJZ, who also directed Sony "Balls". (You can check out pictures of the shoot here.)

Superadgrunts, watch the spot here

And in true Crispin fashion, of course there's a microsite to go along with the relaunch of the Rabbit. Gypsy Cab Project features Steve (a supposed film maker from Colorado) who has never driven in NYC. His task is to drive around Manhattan and give people free rides in the name of "research" to see what makes urban driving unique. He's got two weeks to get 100 people to let him drive them around. What happens after that? Who knows.

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You can breed rabbits at vwfeatures.com/rabbit.html too.