Volkswagen - last tango in Compton - (2010) :60 (UK)

DDB UK and Volkswagen unveil their stunning new commercial 'Last Tango in Compton' to re-establish the award-winning Polo in the minds of consumers.

First launched 35 years ago, the Polo has long been known for its reliability, safety and toughness. Although the new model still retains these values, it now also has the looks to match. Or as the end line tells it 'Tough. Beautiful. Polo'

The visually arresting ad, shot by award winning director Jonathan Glazer (of Guinness Surfer, Sony Paint and Levis Odyssey) from Academy Films, features a couple performing a sensual, beautiful tango dance to a tough pounding hip-hop track in an extraordinary dance sequence. Tough and beautiful all in one.

In an all black industrial set stripped of clutter the attention is focused as the dancers mesmerize in a close embrace, cheek to cheek, chests together, their legs intertwined, in a long beautiful conversation of love and passion. Overhead the pounding rhythms of upcoming hip hop artist Roc C's track 'Don't Stop' provide the surprising accompaniment to the couple's tango. The ad closes on the stylish black Volkswagen Polo set within a pure red urban landscape.

Shot in north London 'Last Tango in Compton' stars two of the world's best Tango dancers - Gasper Godoy, Argentinean Tango World Champion, and partner Manuella Rossi, the world number two. The pair dance a specially choreographed routine overseen by one of the world's foremost choreographers with a unique, simultaneous set-up of over 20 different camera's following their every move.

DDB London

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