Vodafone "Transhumapp" (2016) 1:18 (Romania)

Transhumance has nothing to do with a movement to create genderless bathrooms. No, it's is the movement of sheep from the plains to the mountains. It takes about 600km to get there. These Romanian badass shepherds often walk 15km a day. Think about that as you scarf down your Free Breakfast Friday at the office.
They are offering a challenge to city dwellers alike. Can you beat a Romanian shepherd when it comes to Transhumance? Find out by downloading the Transhumapp where you can literally compete with them. Fun idea brought to you by Vodafone, whose network coverage is as good in the country as it is in the city. The app counts your steps and compares it to the steps of the shepherd who has the same app and network coverage. The app also sends out personalized notes of encouragement, and videos from the shepherd in a way to feel that connection.
There's also a promotional tie in with WorldClass – the most famous fitness center in Romania. They've created Transhumance fitness class available in three of Romanian’s biggest cities: Bucharest, Cluj and Timisoara.
Neat idea.

Client" Vodafone Romania
Agency: McCann Buchares,

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Dabitch's picture

I'd download the app but I'm afraid I'd feel incredibly lazy. Maybe I should just attach my computer to a treadmill and power it by walking.