Virgin Mobile wants you to NOT BLINK and listen to their message

Don't blink. Don't blink. Oh hell, blink as much as you want to because it gets pretty funny when you do. As Virgin continues to brainwash you with their campaign message their latest idea is a hypnotic. The message is read by countless variations of scenes and people, and every time you blink, the scene changes. There's an angry eagle. A couple arguing at a restaurant. A lanky Swedish actor combing his hair in a bleakly colored bathroom. A woman burying a body. A 'protected identity silhouette interview' guy. A cop car chase as seen from a helicopter. Three transvestites at a stage door. An English king. A gorilla translator. A visual homage to the Fedex ad of 98. They had fun doing this. Oh so much fun.

A very clever use of flash video features available. Created by Mother New York.

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Bluepromocode's picture

That is interesting. The old FedEx ad I remember from the Super Bowl, since it was my favorite football team that won that Super Bowl.