Vintrop pHiseHex pHiseAc - Acne wash and cream / Mom what was it called? (1968) 2:50 (Sweden)

Here's a gem to get a glimpse of what the sixties might have looked like in Sweden. First, a Doctor tells us about acne medication. Then we cut to a scene where a daughter asks her mother what she can use to get rid of pimples. Her mother jumps on the Ericophone and calls Dad to ask what the name of it is. Her husband asks if it's urgent, to which the mother replies: Of course it's urgent, she's only a teenager once and she should spend it looking as cute as possible.

Even the names of all of the characters are great and peak 1960 Swedish. Daughter = Sanna. Mother = Yvonne. Aunt = Ruth. Boy cousin = Leffe.

Client: pHiseHex pHiseAc / Swedish 'apotek'

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