The thing is, there's also a great lesson here in advertising. Its one thing to create awareness with the attention of gaining fans, and quite another to create awareness with the attention of gaining enemies. PETA needs a new strategy. Preferably one that doesn't include outrageous polemical arguments that make them seem like ten year olds.
By the way if anyone likes sweetbreads, email me and I'll send you a great recipe. I'll bet you can make it with veal.
depending on what part of the country you are, it's still a no-no to mess with the crosswalk signs. i had a mess-with-crosswalk idea die for that same reason. dagummit.
but from the photos, drive didn't do that but created their own so i guess it's kosher.
My suggestion: keep the original packaging, and air the original commercials. especially the ones from the 1970's. act like the brand never went away.
why just youtube brim coffee and go to the one marked "Brim Instant Coffee Commercial 1976," and feast upon the classical music, romance, a woman named barbara, and the Longest Endline Everrrrrrr.
other suggestions to bring back: new coke.
Wow I didn't know she was also into literature.e. and so versatile with hair color, too!
And a blog! Check out the about section. She humbly describes herself as "...a Tree-Huggin' Geek Goddess from Oregon just trying to find my spot in this world in order to make it a better place..."
Hat's off to you! She really is the everywhere girl!
I think Instead of doing rewrites for the 8th time, I shall instead take it upon myself to compose a song in her honor. Because that is really the only thing she's missing.
Brief for X brand + Change the world
Get: The world.
To: Change
By: By pointing out how X Brand can enhance your lifestyle, even if you live in an underdeveloped country and your concept of lifestyle is wholly different from those of us in the western world.
Secondary message: Create awareness that Brand X is now lower in fat/has new packaging/ is 50% organic/tastes better/gives more mileage/is greener/now comes with anti-histamine.
Tertiary message: Come up with an idea that might solve the world's problems.
Product must be in ad.
Price point (if applicable)
Legal: said product is not held responsible if idea does not in fact change the world. new packaging/taste.more antihistamine preference based on clinical trials
Client does not want to see images that are off putting. Please stick with approved brand guidelines of "Happiness, fun and excitement."
Special NOTE: Client feels entire concept might be too "Chest beating." They suggest focusing more on the product, logo and people having fun. They have indicated they would not be interested in seeing the agency version this time.
Please stick with TV, radio and retail print for this assignment.
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