UGG "Twinkling Lights" (2014) :60 (USA)

Get into the holiday spirit with festive lights, dancing girls, and UGGs.
Two out of three ain't bad.

Client: UGG Australia
ECD was James Bray
Creative Director: Ron Tapia
Copywriter: Emily Ozan
Art Director: Melissa Riggs
Producer: Jennifer Weinberg
Account Director: Rebecca Weaving

Production Co: Timber
Creative Directors: Kevin Lau & Jonah Hall
Executive Producer: Chris Webb
Head of Production: Michael Theurer
Editor: Harvey White
Lead Flame: Chris DeCristo
Lead Compositor: Nicholas Hiegel
Compositors: Julie Jang, Daniel Raschko, Brian Begun, Krystal Chinn, Eric Almeras, Josh Bolin
CG Animator: Eric Pender
Choreographer: Becca Sweitzer

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