UFCW"In America" (2015) :30 (USA)

Last month during the Democratic debate, the international union UFCW ran an ad telling all the Democrats to shame Walmart for not paying its cashiers a living wage. now the UFCW is back, in time for Thanksgiving and Black Friday, once again, with the same actor/workers talking to camera. Unfortunately this ad is all over the place. It's still on the shame-on-you Walmart train but it's also telling us to donate to food shelters, and of course, reading between the lines, it wants workers to join the UFCW union as they've been attempting to unionize Walmart workers for years.

Regardless of politics, this ad isn't even trying to be creative. It looks like any one of a thousands political ads we're going to be besieged with next year during the election. At least try and stand out.

Client: UCFW

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