Twitter contest: submit photos of the Russian wildfire #smog & compete for new HTC phone

The wildfires in Russia are devastating and Russian troops are busy digging canals to protect nuclear sites.

"I woke up this morning, looked out of the window and saw a monstrous situation," said President Dmitry Medvedev. "We all want this heat wave to pass, but this is not in our hands, it is decided above."

But if there's one thing Russians are good at, it's making lemonade. While smoke rolls in over the cities, HTC started twitter contest for the best smoke photo, and a chance to win the new HTC Wildfire smartphone. You play by snapping a good photo and then hashtagging it #HTC_Wildfire and #smog. There hasn't been a press release yet, but Russians are already sending in lots of pictures to twitter - for us not eligible to compete it provides a realtime update of the current smog situation.

Maybe HTC should give these guys, who were suddenly surrounded by fire after driving into a village to help a phone as well, that footage can't be beat. (scary!)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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HowieSPM's picture

I lived in LA for 17 years. I have seen fires like this. They are freakin scary! I watched Malibu burn twice. I have seen north county San Diego scorched. I have had friends evacuated. I have had ash on my car.

Dabitch's picture

Ash on your car? Even that cane be turned into advertising! like the Visine - Dry eye relief stencil, or the abandoned cars in Dubai - but with stencils in ash.

HowieSPM's picture

Lets do it! We need one for fore retardant bikinis!