Travel Posters That Never Were

In the style of classic vacation advertising, the at folks at Echo Park Time Travel Mart have put together some posters (scroll down a screen or two) recalling those heady early days of time travel — remember your first trip to the Ice Age?
Ah, good times.

Proceeds are going to benefit 826LA, the latest Dave Eggers "creative writing think tank."


Via io9.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Hahaha, that's cute. Ice Age a winter wonderland all year round. My fave: Learn Bushido and soar with the samurai! I'm so there man.

Neaner's picture

They look great. I'm getting one.

purplesimon's picture

I love the exchange rate! These are simply brilliant. Reminds me of a recent Peugeot UK initiative in terms of art direction ;)