Toyota "Skip Dad" (2016) :50 (Canada)

These pre-roll ads were created for (who else?) millennials who are used to skipping ads as fast as possible. To tap into this, Montreal-based Bleublancrouge created ads that turn those moments before you can finally hit skip into the most awkward ones imaginable. Take for example this one which touts the hands-free driving ability in a call with a horny mom who keeps on describing the salacious week she has planned with her husband. When he laughs nervously and says "honey...hands free," her response is priceless.

Client: Association of Quebec Toyota Dealers
Agency: Bleublancrouge
Production: Morrison
Producer: Guillaume Vallée
Director: Pierre Dalpé
DOP: Jean-François Lord
Offline Editor: Claude-Antoine Guibord
Colorist: Benoit Côté, Studio Elément
Online Editor: Frank Lam, Studio Élément
Sound Mixer: Pascal Desjardins, Studios Apollo Post

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