Topps/Bazooka Joe - Pinata (2006) 0:15 (USA)

Agency: Duval Guillaume New York

Agency: Duval Guillaume New York
Creative Director: Tom Van Daele
Copywriter: Guillaume Van der Stighelen
Art Director: Tom Van Daele
Account Directors: David Simpson, Helen Jackers
Agency Producer: Marc Van Buggenhout

Agency: Duval Guillaume E
Creative Directors: Tom Van Daele, Evert-Jan De Kort
Designer: Louiselotte Brekelmans
Account Director: Christophe Bouten
Strategy: Wim Walraevens

Director: Dennis Gelbaum
Production Company: Beaucoup Productions/NY, a Beaucoup Chapeaux Company
Senior Producer: Amanda Doss
Director of Production: Jill Levy

Executive Producer/Music: Fola Bell, Beaucoup Records
Line Producer: Nancy Cannava
Editor: John Monte, Refinery, NYC
DOP: Christos Voudouris
Shot on location in NY

Music: Tha Heights: Manuel Duran, Rafael (Frito) Valdez, Carlos Sosa, Winston Jerez

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