Banned ad of the week, last years "Tombola Bingo" advert where a British upper class (and white) bloke sits on the beach in his tuxedo, having every word he says repeated in song by a Hawaiian shirt clad ukelele playing island native local (thus, a black man).
Two people complained that it presented a negative racial stereotype. Only one whined that it seemed to try and do the song-funny of "Real American heroes" and failing (that was me).
Here is the ad:
Tombola Bingo - Thank you Tito - (2009) :30
The ASA considered that the relationship between the two characters "was defined as the power of the white man over the black man", because of the difference in their dress and the way the black man was portrayed as less intelligent in that he repeated everything the white man said, even "Thank you, Tito".
from brandrepublic I'm glad it was banned, it's rubbish. But as usual, the ban has no effect when Tombola bingo had already stopped running this ad from last year anyway.