TNT - TNT Winter 2010? - (2009) :30 (Israel)

A rather unusual setting for a fashion brand, in the post apocalypse after the swine flu kills us all, the last remaining people, who happen to be enfant terrible duo Alice Dellal and Josh Beech, stare each other out as they get dressed. Because if you were the last two people on earth, fashion would matter, right?

Update, BBR Saatchi Tel Aviv really want this description to go with it - so here you go.

The global swine flu pandemic serves as an unlikely yet effective backdrop to this latest TV spot for clothing brand TNT, created by BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv. The ad casts enfants terribles duo Alice Dellal and Josh Beech as the world's sole survivors in this post-apocalyptic, 'what if' scenario. The commercial ends with the tagline, 'Winter 2010?'

Client: TNT
Agency: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi Tel Aviv
Production Company: Gustavo
Director: Ranny Carmeli
Yael Ron, Sigal Tzur - Account manager
Yoram Levi - Executive Creative Director
Ben Sever - Creative Director
Amarel Shoshani - Art Director
Ran Tzalach - Copywriter
Planning director - Libby Katz
Senior planner - Shani Goldberg
Planner - Moran Raphaeli

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