Thelio - #MeAndMyAlterEgo / Gaming grandma and rocking geologist (2022) (USA)

If you've never heard of Thelio before, they're handcrafted desktop computers made in the USA. It is open-source hardware that allows the end users to tweak and change things to suit them and their needs perfectly. And, it has a System76-designed chassis controller and hard drive backplane which controls the temperature.
So what's the big deal now? Instead of the rugged but simple wood chassis design they had before, it now comes with color accent panels that you can swap out when you change your mood. Pink for killing people in games, blue for letting the computer render your artwork for the day while you sleep, or red when you go from geologist to rockstar. It feels a bit cheaply produced and could be zippier in the edit, but the idea is simple. Still doesn't really sell me on changing the look of my computer with a physical stripe, unless that move also controls all the lights and everything else. The website doesn't explain if it does this. 

The shorter version, showing only gaming grandma is a little tighter in execution, but could easily have shaved 20 seconds off the ad.

Client: system76

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