Texas Tourism "Texas Cities" (2014) :30 (USA)

Texas has a lot going for it. But it's not just history and low taxes. Apparently there's actually stuff to do once you leave California to set up your business there. Good to know.

Agency: Slingshot
ECD: Susan Levine
Art Director: Clay Coleman
Executive Producer: Ann Vorlicky
VP/Client Services: Tony Balmer
Managing Account Director: Danielle Rector
Sr. Account Executive: Rachel Massey
Account Executive: Beth Ann Williams
Production: Directorz
Director: Jeff Bednarz
EPs: John Gilliland & Anita Olan
DP: Mark Thomas
Editorial & Post: Lucky Post
EP: Jessica Berry
Producer: Kendall Kendall
Editor: Sai Selvarajan
Sound Design: Scottie Richarson
VFX: Seth Olson
Finish: Tone Visuals
Sound: Breed

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