The Tetris visual - where does the idea go?

It's high time to Badland that Tetris image too often used to show how you can fit items into cars and furniture into your house. We get it. It's an easy visual.

In January 2008, Bafco in United Arab Emirates used a Tetris visual to sell office furntire. Ad agency - Tonic

There's been several variations on how to fit stuff in your car usung a Tetris visual, here's one for Fiat from last year and Leo Burnett, Italy.

The 'winner' in the furniture category seems to be this ad from Top Interieur produced by Duval Guillaume, Belgium, back in 2006.

Unless I can recall another earlier one, maybe Joelapompe will. I bet there is one. Do you remember? Conclusion: uninstall Tetris in agency computers. You play that game too often and you'll dream about multi-colored oddly shaped blocks that need to fit somewhere. Oh I know, I used to be addicted to that game.

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