Telecom NZ - Giant city pac-man / Text Anyone 2500 - (2010) :45 (NZ)

What would you do if SMS/text messages were only half a cent? Play giant pacman, of course. New Zealand telecom figures that when you can send 2500 texts per month to any NZ network for $12 with "Text Anyone 2500", you can get pretty creative.

Kieren Cooney from Telecom, says one of the brilliant things about Mobile is how people are coming up with seemingly endless ways of using the phones and services. And this idea celebrates that - the imagination and energy of New Zealanders, specifically in the way we've embraced Mobile to enrich our lives.

"We want to reflect this increased usage with better plans, and ensure customers have real certainty around the price they're paying. That was the idea behind Text Anyone 2500 - it's the best text plan in New Zealand, you get 2500 texts to anyone on any New Zealand network for $12 - that makes it around half a cent a text."

So, playing life sized pac-man in cities is commonplace in New Zealand? I'm so moving there!

See als the short edits, Behind you!, Hurry! and Game over.

Client: Telecom NZ
Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Auckland
Production Company: Automatic Films
Director: Adam Gunser

Dylan Harrison : Executive Creative Director
Scott Huebscher : Creative Director
Jon Austin : Copywriter
Rich Robson : Art Director
Declan Cahill : Producer
Jane Oak : Agency Producer
Simon Wedde : Account manager

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AnonymousCoward's picture

is tht for 2011 as well?

Dabitch's picture

You'd have to contact Telecom NZ to find what their offer today is. This is an advertising archive, where ads proclaiming cars cost a few thousand dollars (in the 70s) still exists. That doesn't mean the offer still does.
