Tck Tck Tck - Adapta / Adaptation (English super) - (2009) :60 (Brazil)

Y&R Brazil created this first Brazilian film to support the 'tck tck tck: Time for Climate Justice' campaign. Also on the web at - it urges people to become planet allies and push for change at the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.

Client:vTck Tck Tck
Agency: Y&R Brazil - São Paulo
Production Company : Tribbo Post
Director : Luciano Neves

Equipe Tribbo Post (Post production)
Marco Versolato (Executive Creative Director)
Mariana Borga (Copywriter)
Claudia Fugita (Art Director)
Nicole Godoy, Camila Naito (Agency Producer)
André Pulcino (Executive Producer)
Director of Photography: Equipe Tribbo Post
Sound Production: Somzera

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