Taco Bell - If You Like Pina Coladas - (2009) :30 (USA)

Another sing-along! Rupert Holmes "Pina Colada" song gets covered by bored office people.
If you like pina coladas
Hate getting stuck in this lane
If you're not into meetings
And your boss has no brain
If you hate filling out your time sheets ...

Yeah, who doesn't?
Brian explains: "If You Like Pina Coladas" is one of those songs that's really hard to get out of your head. And most people don't really know all the lyrics to this one hit wonder. And when people make up there own lyrics as they sing along that's when things can get funny"

Agency: DraftFCB
Client: Taco Bell
ECD: Teddy Brown

Art Director: Brian Engleman
Copywriter: Brett Landry
Agency Producer: Jim Phox
Director: Fred Goss

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This is my all time favorite commercial, I still think about it, very well done and a catchy tune!!
