Sussex Police ask Tesco to tone it down with their "feminine hygiene" shelving signs

Retailers and brands have learned by now that social media brings people complaning about their ads, the lack of NASA shirts in the girls' clothes department and countless other things as consumers police ideas they don't like and complain about airlines 24/7.

We've now graduated to actual police, policing terms used in display areas of Tesco supermarkets. Meet Sargeant Peter Allen, the Sussex Hate Crime Sgt & Trans Equality Advocate. He found an offensive sign at Tesco - offensive to transgender people, he claims - and he's made sure that Tesco knows it.

Now, since brands know that the only way to diffuse anything on social media is to say they'll "take a look at it", which is the opposite approach than the one taken by Protein World, Tesco said exactly that to police officer Peter. A nice "thanks for the feedback" tweet-reply.

Most other people in the same thread aren't as happy with this. Most of the ire is directed at the Sussex Police though, and not Tesco or their sign.

This may have been a bigger PR blunder for the Sussex Police than for Tesco.

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What are the "products for men" om the shelf? All I see is tampons.