Sun-Rype - Swing (2008) 0:30 (Canada)

Agency: DDB Canada

"Sun-Rype is a great brand. It’s vibrant and fresh, so that’s what we tried to do with their communications. Sun-Rype takes pride in the fact that they don’t add any artificial colours, preservatives or sugar to their juices. So we animated their ads with fruit, the very thing Sun-Rype’s juices are made from," says Dean Lee, creative director, DDB Canada, Vancouver.

Agency: DDB Canada, Vancouver, Canada
Chief Creative Officer: Alan Russell
Creative Director: Dean Lee
Art Director: Angela Sung
Copywriter: Neil Shapiro
Account manager: Aliya Kara
Print Producer: Scott Russell
Planner: Kimberly Clifford
Print: "Grows on Trees," "Nectar of the Gods," and "Secret Ingredient"
Photographer: Paul Lang
Retoucher: Paul Lang
Television: "Swing" and "Shoes"
Film Company: Joyrider London
Director(s): Wade Shotter and Andras Ketzer
Line Producer: Spencer Friend and Sarah Butterworth
Post Production Co.: Joyrider
Editor: Quin Williams, Marshall Street
Post Facility: Joyrider
Colourist: Andras Ketzer and Russell Boyd
Animator/SFX: Joyrider
Casting: Joyrider
Published/Released (Month, Year): April, 2008

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