Subaru - Cut the Cord - (2013) :30 (USA)

Dad looks down at his little girl, asking if she's excited for her first day. She says yes, but that little worry-line around her eyebrows says she's really really scared. This is why dad stalks the schoolbus with his Subaru, because he's overprotective.

She's fine, dad, relax.

Client: Subaru
Agency: Carmichael Lynch, Minneapolis
Chief Creative Officer: Dave Damman
Exec Creative Director: Randy Hughes
Copywriter: Conn Newton
Art Director: Michael Rogers
Director of Integrated Production: Joe Grundhoefer
Executive Senior Producer: Brynn Hausmann
Business Manager: Vicki Oachs
Account Service Team: Andy Gorski, Kristen Stengel
Production Company: Gorgeous
Director: Vince Squibb
Executive Producers: Paul Rothwell, Jeff Baron
Line Producer: Rupert Smythe
Director of Photography: Alwin Kuchler
Editing House: The Whitehouse
Editor: Russell Icke
Assistant Editors: Stephen Dunne, Shane Reid
Online Artist: Steve Medin, Volt
Telecine: Sean Coleman, Company 3
Audio Mix: Carl White, BWN
Sound Design: Carl White, BWN
Song: "Keep Me in Mind," Tashaki Miyaki
Music Company: Mixtape Music Ltd (London)
Music Supervisor: Jonathan Hecht
On-camera talent: Marcus Nelson (dad), Daisy Wetherholt (daughter), Jianna Wiliams (daughter' friend), Casey Adams (dad driver double)
Voiceover Talent: Justin Beere (announcer), Marcus Nelson (dad VO), Lauren Whitcher, aka Paige Stark (singer)

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